Streambank Restoration

During the survey work for the wetland mitigation bank the project owner engaged a qualified third-party consultant, Stantec, to assess restoring segments of the lower reaches of Willow Creek and Pumpkinseed Creek. Stantec discovered that the property also includes two possible sites for stream restoration.  Similar to the wetland mitigation program, any developer that obtains approval to disturb a stream located in a watershed must obtain credits from a qualified mitigation site as a condition to seeking US Army Corps of Engineers approval for such disturbance. In 2022 the project owner submitted a Prospectus and received Interagency Review Team (IRT) approval for a Stream Mitigation project. Preliminary estimates show that there are approximately 7,000 functional feet of stream credits available from the two sites.

Potential Stream Credits

Winnebago Farm 3,973 linear feet
Waushara Farm  3,226 linear feet