Streambank Restoration Project

During the survey work for the wetland mitigation bank the project owner discovered that the property also includes two possible sites for streambank restoration.  Similar to the wetland mitigation program described above, any developer that obtains approval to disturb a stream bank located in a watershed must obtain credits from a qualified restoration program as a condition to seeking approval for such disturbance. In 2022 the project owner submitted a Prospectus and received Interagency Review Team (IRT) approval for a Stream Bank restoration project.  In 2023 Stantec will complete the engineering work required for the proposed qualified streambank credit project.  Stantec estimates that there are approximately 7,000 linear feet of streambank credits available from the two sites.

Stream Bank

  • Winnebago Farm  4,454 linear feet
  • Waushara Farm    3,226 linear feet

Carbon Offsets

  • 2,631-4,209 tCO2/year (estimated)